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Ideal Exercise for Breast Cancer Prevention

According to Breast Cancer Foundation Malaysia, Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in women in Malaysia. One in every 19 women in this country is at risk. Women should learn more about the symptoms and causes.

Breast cancer is a condition in which the cells in the breasts begin to proliferate uncontrollably. This form of cancer is more common in women and occurs less frequently in men. With the increasing dangers of breast cancer as a result of our modern lifestyle, this therapy has been shown to lessen the occurrence of this fatal condition.

Regular exercise, according to the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) new guidelines, can lower the risk of breast cancer. Simple activities lasting 1.25 to 2.25 hours each week might help minimise the development of this cancer.

How does exercise help to prevent breast cancer?

Exercise has numerous health benefits, including the prevention of a variety of diseases. Certain workouts have been shown in studies to help prevent breast cancer. Here’s how exercise can help you avoid breast cancer.

  • Regular physical activity helps women maintain a healthy weight and reduces their body fat percentage.
  • Exercise regulates hormones such as oestrogen and insulin, which contribute to the formation of breast cancer cells.
  • Exercise also improves mental health and reduces stress in individuals.
  • It also boosts the immune system, allowing the body to be more resistant to sickness.

Physical Activity Tips

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 10-20% in women. These exercises are simple and not time-consuming, so ladies should not be concerned about interfering with their usual activities. These are the breast cancer prevention exercises:

  • Women are advised to exercise in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity, such as walking, slow dancing, cycling, and so on.
  • Intense physical activity for 60-75 minutes each week can help lower the risk of breast cancer. Jogging, running, fast cycling, swimming, aerobic dance, and other activities fall under this category.
  • The exercises can be done for 30 minutes every day; doctors believe that 60 minutes of daily physical activity can effectively minimise the risk of breast cancer.
  • It is best not to plunge directly into rigorous exercise; instead, begin slowly and gradually increase the time and intensity.
  • Yoga for breast cancer prevention is a low-impact exercise that is useful for women. Poses including the cat-cow, sitting side bend, fish pose, and diaphragmatic pranayama have been shown to lower the risk of breast cancer.

Breast cancer survivors may participate in strength training

Following a fitness plan is an important practise for breast cancer survivors since it aids in health maintenance and minimises the chance of lymphedema after cancer. It also prevents the same thing from happening again.

Strength training is an exercise that is done to increase one’s strength and endurance. It is the first step in returning to normal physical activity following cancer treatment. These exercises mainly consist of mild training and are dependent on the type of surgery performed.

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